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The ProEmpower pre-commercial procurement (PCP) started its second phase in July 2018. After three months of preparations, the first version of prototypes for a diabetes management solution has emerged.
The three competing vendors who have been selected to continue on to phase II are:
The early prototypes (Version 1) are in the form of key system components, only partly functional or not yet functional. Version 2 prototypes are expected at the end of the year and will be fully functional, demonstrating component behaviour and system-wide interaction.
At this stage, the vendors are visiting the different procurers in order to familiarise themselves with the different local conditions. This step is necessary to ensure the integration of their solution with the local system and smooth piloting in the upcoming 2019 pilot phase.
Phase II officially ends in January 2019. Stay tuned for the announcement of the results.
For a complete overview of the PCP process in ProEmpower, browse through the stage-by-stage calendar.